A shemagh is a large piece of material that is used to make a simple head wrap covering. They are often used in desert operations for protection against sun and wind. Different colours and patterns represent groups and rankings of middle eastern troops or civilians.
This shemagh is an excellent and versatile item for protecting your head and face. They can be worn simply as a scarf around the neck, or pulled up to cover the mouth, nose and head. You can also use these to conceal your outline and as weapon cover.
- Comfortable cotton construction
- Versatile range of uses
- Break up your outline for better concealment
- Protects from sun and wind
- 100% breathable fabric
Colour: Blue and White
Content: 100% Cotton
Size: Approximately 110cm x 110cm
Weight: 0.17kg
Condition: New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our